Connecting the Dots 2013: The Energy, Food, Water, and Climate Nexus
Connecting the Dots 2013: The Energy, Food, Water, and Climate Nexus
Friday, April 19, 201312:30 PM - 6:30 PM (Pacific)
Stanford experts from a range of disciplines will discuss the interconnections and interactions among humanity’s need for and use of energy, food, water, and environmental resources. Drawing on their own research, each speaker will illustrate and evaluate some of the ways in which decisions in one resource area can lead to trade-offs or co-benefits in other areas. Stanford students and faculty will lead interactive breakout sessions to explore a range of challenges associated with energy transitioning to a sustainable system.
Featured videos:
Energy and Food Nexus: David Lobell, Assistant Professor of Environmental Earth System Science
- Moderated by Margot Gerritsen, Associate Professor of Energy Resources Engineering; Director, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
- Donald Kennedy, President, Emeritus, Stanford University; Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Emeritus
- Rosamond Naylor, Professor of Environmental Earth System Science; Director, Center on Food Security and the Environment
- Adam Brandt, Assistant Professor of Energy Resources Engineering
Video link to additional Stanford faculty talks
Introduction: Energy System Overview by Roland Horne, Professor of Energy Resources Engineering
Overview of Natural Gas Issues: Mark Zoback, Professor of Geophysics
Energy and Environment Nexus: Stefan Reichelstein, Professor in the Graduate School of Business
Energy and Water Nexus: Richard Luthy, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director of ReNUWIt
Energy and Climate Change Nexus: Michael Wara, Associate Professor of Law
Breakout Sessions
Led by postdoc/graduate students, breakout sessions will actively engage the participant on provocative and real world energy topics such as:
- Boon or Bust? Fracking’s Socioeconomic Costs and Benefits
- Keystone XL: Band Guy or Fall Guy?
- Wind Energy and Wildlife Conservation: Green vs. Green?
- Are you Aware of Your Habits? Tweaking Our Routines to Conserve
- Is America Neglecting America? The Forgotten Frontier of the Alaskan Arctic
- Is Water scarcity a Threat to the World’s Energy Future?