FSE overview video featuring the Benin Solar Market Garden project
Stanford Solar Market Garden project
Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF): Solar Drip Irrigation Project - Benin, West Africa
Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF): Powering the Fight Against Hunger
Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF): SELF and Benin
Solar Market Garden: Madame La Presidente Presents Results at Oslo Conference (in French)
Vu du Ciel: SELF and the successful solar-powered drip irrigation systems in the villages of Dunkassa and Bessassi, in the Kalale district of northern Benin
SELF is featured in the French television program, Earth from Above, hosted by world-renowned photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The episode, "The End of Oil," aired November 26 and featured the successful solar-powered drip irrigation systems in the villages of Dunkassa and Bessassi, in the Kalalé district of northern Benin.