Joanne Gaskell


Joanne Gaskell

  • PhD student (former)

Energy and Environment Building - 4205
473 Via Ortega
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

(650) 721-5767 (voice)


Joanne Gaskell comes from Vancouver, where she first developed her taste for the outdoors. She graduated with honors from Swarthmore College, with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Economics.

Prior to joining IPER she worked for two years at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, D.C. as a Research Assistant in the Environment and Production Technology Division. Joanne's research addressed the impact of food production on the environment, and the contribution of environmental factors to food security. While at IFPRI, Joanne served as an author on the Food and Cultivated Systems chapters of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. She also co-authored a United Nations Hunger Task Force-commissioned paper on environmental and social correlates of child hunger in Africa.

Joanne's current research interests include biofuels, the value of genetic diversity to crop production systems and the water and nutrient implications of intensive livestock production. She is a member of Sigma Xi and a recipient of the Science Council of British Columbia's "Headed for Success" award.


Working Papers
December 2009

The impacts and opportunities of oil palm in Southeast Asia: What do we know and what do we need to know?

The impacts and opportunities of oil palm in Southeast Asia: What do we know and what do we need to know?