Sujith Ravi

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Sujith Ravi

  • Postdoctoral scholar

Y2E2 (Energy & Environment Building)
473 Via Ortega, room 349
Stanford, CA 94305-4205


Sujith has an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Sciences from Kerala Agricultural University (India) and an MS and PhD in Environmental Sciences (Hydrology) from University of Virginia. His research interests are in the areas of ecohydrology, soil science and land degradation (biophysical and human dimensions). Prior to joining FSE he worked as an assistant research professor at the Biosphere 2 facility of the University of Arizona. As a postdoctoral scholar at FSE, Sujith is investigating the environmental impacts (on land and water resources) of large scale solar infrastructures in deserts and exploring opportunities for integrating solar projects with agriculture/biofuels.

Lobell laboratory


Journal Articles
March 2016

Colocation opportunities for large solar infrastructures and agriculture in drylands

Colocation opportunities for large solar infrastructures and agriculture in drylands
Journal Articles
February 2014

Tradeoffs and Synergies between Biofuel Production and Large Solar Infrastructure in Deserts

Tradeoffs and Synergies between Biofuel Production and Large Solar Infrastructure in Deserts