Future seascapes, fishing, and fish farming
Future seascapes, fishing, and fish farming
The depletion of many marine fisheries has created a new impetus to expand seafood production through fish farming, or aquaculture. Marine aquaculture, especially of salmon and shrimp, has grown considerably in the past two decades, and aquaculturists are also beginning to farm other marine species. Production data for salmon and shrimp indicate that farming supplements, rather than substitutes for fishing. Since most farmed marine fish are carnivores, farming them relies on the capture of finite supplies of wild fish for use in fish feeds. As aquaculture is not substituting for wild fisheries, heavy dependence on wild fish inputs is a concern as marine aquaculture grows. Other likely impacts include escapes of farmed fish and large-scale waste discharges from fish farms. A viable future for marine ecosystems will require incorporation of ecological perspectives into polices that integrate fishing, aquaculture, and conservation.