Global Environmental Agenda for the U.S., A
Global Environmental Agenda for the U.S., A
(excerpt) The group of science, environment, and business leaders who produced and discussed these memoranda share a strong conviction that you and your administration face an array ofhistoric and urgent challenges—the kind that, with bold leadership, can be turned into exceptional opportunities.
Many of the recommendations for specific areas involve policies and tools that will not slow the nation’s economy and may even provide economic opportunities and help resolve real humanitarian concerns. This article presents a sketch ofthe broad outlines ofthe environmental problems confronting humanity and suggests some paths toward their resolution.
The first two challenges, emerging into the public consciousness only in recent decades,are rooted in the unprecedented pace ofglobal change. The global economy is linking nations and people in new and different ways. But people are only beginning to realize the extent to which human actions are radically reshaping the global environment. Without awareness of the consequences of these actions, people have taken control ofthe planet.