Rosamond Naylor
Principal Investigator
Walter Falcon
Eric Lambin
Jim Leape
Marshall Burke

Hau Lee
Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Erica Plambeck
Charles A. Holloway Professor of Operations, Information & Technology, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Ryan Edwards

This project focuses on private and public sector strategies for promoting sustainable palm oil, with sustainability defined by environmental, social, and economic objectives. The main goals are:
- To identify operational nodes within the palm oil value chain that can be modified to enhance rural incomes, alleviate poverty, and reduce tropical deforestation
- To build capacity in palm oil producing countries through government, NGO, and private sector partnerships to help ensure a steady transition toward smallholder participation and minimal deforestation. The project will focus on three countries where oil palm is a dominant commercial crop or a rapidly emerging commercial crop: Indonesia, Ghana, and Cameroon.