Chris Fedor

Chris Fedor, MS
- Research Associate
Center on Food Security and the Environment
Encina Hall East E400
Stanford, CA 94305-6055
Chris Fedor is a research assistant in the Center on Food Security and the Environment. He received his BS/MS in Earth Systems from Stanford in 2011, with a focus on environmental geography and land use modeling.
While a student, Chris worked two years as a teaching assistant for Roz Naylor’s and Wally Falcon’s World Food Economy course. Almost all of his other previous endeavors seemed to have circulated around food as well. Those range from a summer spent with a hand held camera in Norway eating whale steaks and producing a movie about modern arctic whaling, to assisting CIMMYT in attempts to measure maize yields via remote sensing data in the Yaqui Valley of Mexico. He prefers burritos.