Food Markets

Join us for a talk with agricultural and development economist Christopher B. Barrett, this quarter’s visiting scholar with the Center on Food Security and the Environment. Barrett is the Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management and an International Professor of Agriculture with Cornell’s Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.

Professor Barrett will discuss food systems advances over the past 50 years that have promoted unprecedented reduction globally in poverty and hunger, averted considerable deforestation, and broadly improved lives, livelihoods and environments in much of the world. He’ll share perspectives on the reasons why, despite those advances, those systems increasingly fail large communities in environmental, health, and increasingly in economic terms and appear ill-suited to cope with inevitable further changes in climate, incomes, and population over the coming 50 years. Barrett will explore the new generation of innovations underway that must overcome a host of scientific and socioeconomic obstacles.
Also a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics, Barrett is co-editor in chief of the journal Food Policy, is a faculty fellow with David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future and serves as the director of the Stimulating Agriculture and Rural Transformation (StART) Initiative housed at the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development.


As the global population and people’s incomes rise, the demand for ocean-derived food will continue to grow. At the same time, hunger and malnutrition continues to be a challenge in many countries, particularly in rural or developing areas. Looking to the ocean as a source of protein produced using low-carbon methodologies will be critical for food security, nutrition and economic stability, especially in coastal countries where hunger and malnutrition are a challenge. Yet these advances in ocean production can only be achieved with a concurrent focus on addressing threats to ocean health, such as climate change and overfishing.

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High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Rosamond L. Naylor

A better understanding of recent crop yield trends is necessary for improving the yield and maintaining food security. Several possible mechanisms have been investigated recently in order to explain the steady growth in maize yield over the US Corn‐Belt, but a substantial fraction of the increasing trend remains elusive. In this study, trends in grain filling period (GFP) were identified and their relations with maize yield increase were further analyzed. Using satellite data from 2000 to 2015, an average lengthening of GFP of 0.37 days per year was found over the region, which probably results from variety renewal. Statistical analysis suggests that longer GFP accounted for roughly one‐quarter (23%) of the yield increase trend by promoting kernel dry matter accumulation, yet had less yield benefit in hotter counties. Both official survey data and crop model simulations estimated a similar contribution of GFP trend to yield. If growing degree days that determines the GFP continues to prolong at the current rate for the next 50 years, yield reduction will be lessened with 25% and 18% longer GFP under Representative Concentration Pathway 2.6 (RCP 2.6) and RCP 6.0, respectively. However, this level of progress is insufficient to offset yield losses in future climates, because drought and heat stress during the GFP will become more prevalent and severe. This study highlights the need to devise multiple effective adaptation strategies to withstand the upcoming challenges in food security.

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Global Change Biology
Peng Zhu
Qianlai Zhuang, Philippe Ciais, Carl Bernacchi, Xuhui Wang, David Makowski
David Lobell

Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is a key development goal of the twenty first century. This paper addresses the problem of optimally identifying seed varieties to reliably increase crop yield within a risk-sensitive decision making framework. Specifically, a novel hierarchical machine learning mechanism for predicting crop yield (the yield of different seed varieties of the same crop) is introduced. This prediction mechanism is then integrated with a weather forecasting model and three different approaches for decision making under uncertainty to select seed varieties for planting so as to balance yield maximization and risk. The model was applied to the problem of soybean variety selection given in the 2016 Syngenta Crop Challenge. The prediction model achieved a median absolute error of 235 kg/ha and thus provides good estimates for input into the decision models. The decision models identified the selection of soybean varieties that appropriately balance yield and risk as a function of the farmer’s risk aversion level. More generally, the models can support farmers in decision making about which seed varieties to plant.

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Environment Systems and Decisions
Huaiyang Zhong, Xiaocheng Li
David Lobell
Stefano Ermon
Margaret Brandeau
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Twelve-year-old Lena is growing up poor and malnourished on Chicago’s West Side. She buys Blue Juice and Hot Chips from the corner store on her way to school. She and her classmates can afford the flavoured sugar water and salty starch, but this cheap “food” that fills up her stomach provides no nutritional value. 

Lena is one of over 20 million Americans living in food deserts, places without access to a full-service grocery store within two miles. Yet while Lena buys her Hot Chips, an affluent family nearby uses an online retail platform to order their weekly delivery of fresh, nutritious food – at prices that Lena and her family can’t afford. Despite a surge of technology innovations in food retail, Lena and her family represent a growing number of underserved customers around the world.

Read full story.






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Our Report draws attention to a complex but understudied issue: How will climate warming alter losses of major food crops to insect pests? Because empirical evidence on plant-insect-climate interactions is scarce and geographically localized, we developed a physiologically based model that incorporates strong and well-established effects of temperature on metabolic rates and on population growth rates. We acknowledged that other factors are involved, but the ones we analyzed are general, robust, and global (13).

Parmesan and colleagues argue that our model is overly simplistic and that any general model is premature. They are concerned that our model does not incorporate admittedly idiosyncratic and geographically localized aspects of plant-insect interactions. Some local effects, such as evidence that warmer winters will harm some insects but not others, were in fact evaluated in our sensitivity analyses and shown to be minor (see the Report's Supplementary Materials). Other phenomena, such as plant defenses that benefit some insects and threaten others, are relevant but are neither global nor directional. Furthermore, because Parmesan et al. present no evidence that such idiosyncratic and localized interactions will outweigh the cardinal and universally strong impacts of temperature on populations and on metabolic rates (13), their conclusion is subjective.

We agree with Parmesan and colleagues that the question of future crop losses is important and needs further study, that targeted experimental data are needed (as we wrote in our Report), and that our estimates are likely to be conservative (as we concluded, but for reasons different from theirs). However, we strongly disagree with their recommendation to give research priority to gathering localized experimental data. That strategy will only induce a substantial time lag before future crop losses can be addressed.

We draw a lesson from models projecting future climates. Those models lack the “complexity and idiosyncratic nature” of many climate processes, but by building from a few robust principles, they successfully capture the essence of climate patterns and trends (4). Similarly, we hold that the most expeditious and effective way to anticipate crop losses is to develop well-evidenced ecological models and use them to help guide targeted experimental approaches, which can subsequently guide revised ecological models. Experiments and models should be complementary, not sequential.

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Curtis A. Deutsch, Joshua J. Tewksbury, Michelle Tigchelaar, David S. Battisti, Scott C. Merrill, Raymond B. Huey
Rosamond L. Naylor

Increased intake of fruits and vegetables (F&V) is recommended for most populations across the globe. However, the current state of global and regional food systems is such that F&V availability, the production required to sustain them, and consumer food choices are all severely deficient to meet this need. Given the critical state of public health and nutrition worldwide, as well as the fragility of the ecological systems and resources on which they rely, there is a great need for research, investment, and innovation in F&V systems to nourish our global population. Here, we review the challenges that must be addressed in order to expand production and consumption of F&V sustainably and on a global scale. At the conclusion of the workshop, the gathered participants drafted the “Aspen/Keystone Declaration” (see below), which announces the formation of a new “Community of Practice,” whose area of work is described in this position paper. The need for this work is based on a series of premises discussed in detail at the workshop and summarized herein. To surmount these challenges, opportunities are presented for growth and innovation in F&V food systems. The paper is organized into five sections based on primary points of intervention in global F&V systems: (1) research and development, (2) information needs to better inform policy & investment, (3) production (farmers, farming practices, and supply), (4) consumption (availability, access, and demand), and (5) sustainable & equitable F&V food systems and supply chains.

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Aspen Global Change Institute
Rosamond L. Naylor
et al.
Walter P. Falcon
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Walter Falcon, the Helen Farnsworth Professor of International Agricultural Policy in Economics (emeritus), writes from an unusual perspective. During the academic year he serves as a senior fellow with the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. He spends the summers on his family farm near Marion, Iowa. He returns to campus each year with reflections on the challenges and rewards of faming life in his "Almanac Report." Falcon is former deputy director of the Center on Food Security and the Environment. 

These field notes constitute my seventh summer report from our Iowa farm.  As readers of prior postings may remember, my wife and I own a medium-sized farm in east-central Iowa that produces corn, soybeans, and beef from a cow-calf herd. We are fourth-generation custodians of these acres – a long-term family relationship that is typical for many Iowa farms.  The atypical dimension of our operation is that I am also a Professor at Stanford University, where I have done research and taught courses on the world food economy for more than 40 years.  This contrast in surroundings could not be more stark, which I hope generates field notes of interest to friends at both locations.

The title for this year’s edition is probably redundant. Farmers throughout the world ALWAYS talk about bad weather, low prices, and inept governments.  That combination has certainly been front and center this year. The 8 a.m. gathering of farmers at our old Waubeek “restaurant” on the Wapsipinicon River continues to produce interchanges on the latest farm happenings, usually about who or what is to blame for distressed rural conditions. 

Trump trade-wars, with farmers as casualties came up frequently in the conversations. There also seemed to be less banter this year and fewer new pick-up trucks.

There has been justifiable concern about the weather, since the 2018 crop year has been strange, even for Iowa. The year began very early, with corn tasseling by Independence Day – completely destroying the old maxim of knee-high by the Fourth of July. Many days of intense heat then occurred during the kernel-filling stage, prompting concerns about low test-weights for the projected harvest.  Nevertheless, in late July, both corn and soybeans held prospects for record crops. 

Then in August the rain gods became agitated. The local newspaper ran the headline “Rain, Rain, Rain – Heat, Humidity, Tornadoes & Floods.”  We received 12 inches of rain in 10 days.  Nearby creeks and rivers overflowed; soybeans got driven into the mud from the hard rains and the accompanying high winds; and we dodged a nearby tornado spinning away about four miles from us.

Wet conditions caused white mold and spurred “sudden death syndrome” in some soybean fields – the latter caused by a soil fungus that seems to thrive in damp conditions.  Corn ears that had not “fallen” (going from their upright-pointed position on the stalk to the downward position that occurs with maturity) began to collect moisture, creating mildew and ear rot inside the husk. Corn having more than 4 percent damage is very difficult to sell without large price discounts, or to use as cattle feed.



Credit: D. Hogan, example of damaged ear from our farm.

Farmers are also growing increasingly concerned about the added propane costs that will be incurred if corn must be dried before it can be sold. They worry as well that elevators and other shipping points will be “full” because of trade disruptions.  Crops that had looked so promising on August 1 looked more dubious on September 15.

There is a tendency always to generalize nationally from local conditions, but the prevailing neighborhood view is that the USDA has overestimated the harvest. These conditions have also created considerable discussion about climate change and extreme weather events. For farmers, the concerns are not about climate science, but are much more about risk, farm profitability, and upcoming conversations with bankers.

The weather uncertainty has been compounded by price and trade issues. Soybean prices plunged to a nine-year low, and in mid-September cash prices in rural Iowa markets were about $7.25 per bushel.  That level was only about 70 percent of prices in 2013 – even without adjusting for inflation. The soybean supply chain is congested with large stocks in elevators, and uncertainty about the direction of flows is affecting cash prices.  Will Midwestern beans go to Pacific ports for shipment to China, as has been the case in recent years, or will they go to Atlantic and Gulf ports for shipment to Europe, as Brazil and the U.S. (partially) exchange customers because of trade disruptions? 

At the other end of the crop-price spectrum, hay and straw markets have gone crazy in the opposite direction.  Supplies of both are in short supply, largely because of drought in the southern plains and floods in the northern Midwest. 

Prices of hay for our cowherd were more than double that of last year, and we also paid dearly – $75 per 3’ x 3’ square bale – for straw that originated in North Dakota!  More famers will bale corn stalks for use as bedding this year, but for reasons of nutrients, tilth, and erosion, we are reluctant to remove corn residues from our fields.  

The livestock sector also poses a murky outlook for (the typically large) farmers who specialize in raising pigs and/or feeding cattle.  Though helped by low feed prices, both the pork and beef sectors are plagued with large numbers of animals on feed, with uncertain exports to China, Mexico, and Europe, and with high prices for replacement animals.  

Given the smallness of our cowherd – for us, a cheaper sport than golf – the economic consequences are not overly severe. Even so, we are looking at a great calf crop, the prize of which is “my” shorthorn steer calf shown below.  “My” is used advisedly, since my wife would prefer that our herd be Angus, whereas my family’s tradition was with Shorthorns.  I was in special trouble, therefore, when, during my Stanford absence, my wife and a neighbor had to pull this particular calf in the middle of the night in a driving rainstorm.  As for the herd more generally, we have compromised.  Half are Shorthorn and half are Angus, and this year my wife won the tiebreaker – our herd bull is mostly Angus. He is massive, fitting his name “Samson,” and he is both a pet and a pest.  He is trained to lead, likes people, knows his name, and sometimes behaves like a kitten.  Unfortunately, his well-intentioned shoulder nudges can send one sailing.

Credit: L. Harney: “Hogie” at two months.

Credit: L. Harney, “Hogie” at two months.

The implications of commodity prices on land prices are still uncertain as very little cropland is being offered for sale. But negotiations on cash rents are much more contentious this year. There is quite clear evidence that cash rents, many of which were in the $275-$300 per acre range only a couple of years ago, have come down by 20 percent.

This somewhat dismal rural outlook sets the scene for the upcoming midterm elections. Iowa voted for Trump in 2016, where he ran very strongly in rural areas. As an “outside-insider” (especially from California!) it has been especially challenging for me to read the current political attitudes of farmers. They do not talk politics very openly, so I first looked at what was happening at the Iowa State Fair. 

Even without the obvious political overlay, the fair was spectacular.  It attracted more than a million visitors – remarkable given that Iowa has only 3.1 million people in total.  The traditional cow, sculpted in 600 pounds of butter, stood alongside a butter version of a “1919 Waterloo Boy,” a forerunner to John Deere tractors. 

Then there was also the new culinary treat – pork belly with brown sugar on a stick. This specialty was complemented by a demonstration of foot-stomping wine making. Not surprisingly, I drew MUCH anti-California ire when I suggested that this process might actually improve the quality of Iowa wine. And of course there was superbull (3,030 pounds) and superboar (1,165 pounds)!

Credit: Iowa State Fair, butter sculpture of Jersey cow and1919 tractor.

What was most notable, at least to me, was the fair’s political overtone – “corn dogs with a side of politics” noted one local pundit.  There was lots of campaigning for state-level offices, and also for the races for the U.S. House of Representatives.  At the national level, one would have thought it was 2020. Presidential hopefuls showed up in large numbers. One candidate known by almost no one, John Delaney, had already visited all 99 Iowa counties – a “full Grassley,” named after Iowa’s long-term Senator who has made 38 annual visits to all 99 counties an integral part of his political strategy. 

The question that I most hear from my liberal California friends concerns buyer’s remorse. Their assumption is that with tariffs, trade, turmoil, and Trump, farmers must be up in arms and ready to change their political allegiance. My conjecture is that many are not changing – at least not yet – and that the reasons are complicated.

Iowa’s population is now more than 90 percent white, with the farmer percentage even higher.  Many farmers, and especially rural women, do not care for Trump or his shaky moral compass; however they are not resonating to Democratic minority messaging either.  They like tax cuts, and especially the prospects of E15 ethanol that the president and secretary of agriculture have been dangling in front of them. 

Soybean farmers might seem to have the most to complain about as a result of the Chinese imposition of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. soybeans as part of the ongoing trade war. Soybean exports to China through July 2018 were down more that 50 percent as compared to last year. On the other hand, the value of total soybean exports was off by only 8 percent as a consequence of substituting customers among U. S., Brazilian, and other exporters. 

 I also sense two other related points. First, farmers seem to be assuming (hoping?) that the trade war will be a matter of months not years. Second, many have not yet “priced” (hedged or sold for forward delivery) much of the current year’s soybean crop.  In that sense, the tariff/trade impacts have yet to hit home. When they do, political views may change. Interestingly, the bulk of the soybean harvest will occur just a month before the mid-term elections. 

Government policy is also at work.  While all of the key farm organizations are on record as preferring trade to subsidies, farmers will certainly cash government checks! Under a supplemental program announced by the president (some would say cynically as an election-year “sweetener” for his wrong-headed tariff policy), soybean farmers with yields of 50 bushels per acre will receive a special bonus of about $40 per acre.  

Finally, crop insurance serves as a safety net. More than 90 percent of Iowa soybean farmers purchase 80 percent, revenue-guaranteed insurance. This insurance contains key price and yield details, but basically, farmers are compensated for any gross-revenue losses – whether caused by yields or prices – of greater than 20 percent as compared to what they received in 2017. 

Whatever one may think about farmer political preferences, the economics of their changing that support is much more complicated than first meets the eye.  My conclusion is that Iowa will continue to be a fierce battleground state, and that neither Republicans nor Democrats can take Iowa for granted in either 2018 or 2020.

Iowa is not exactly a major tourist destination.  With a few exceptions, like the state fair and the bike ride across Iowa (RAGBRAI) where 20,000 bicyclists (willingly!) ride 450 miles in the summer heat from the Missouri River on the west to the Mississippi River on the east, the common view is that not much happens here.

When my wife and I were growing up, “tourism” meant going for short Sunday drives.  Mostly these trips were for the purpose of our fathers comparing the straightness of neighbors’ cornrows. And there were always “Sauerkraut Days” in the town of Lisbon, “Pickle Days” in Walker, plus all of the church-sponsored ice cream socials and dinners.

Then as now, however, Iowa is dotted with interesting historical communities, especially the Amish who settled in Iowa during the last half of the 19thcentury.  We have restarted the short-drive tradition, and one of the more interesting visits was to Hopkington, an Amish community just to our north. The devout members of the community do not believe in motors or electricity, and the local scenes are very bucolic: large white houses, not electrified, for their typically large families; horse-drawn farming implements and horse-drawn buggies tied up in neat rows at the church; women in long skirts and bonnets and men with bib-overalls and wide brimmed hats; and wonderful baked goods, cheeses, quilts, and other specialties for sale at roadside stands.


Credit: R. Naylor, Amish buggy and roofers at work.

Horse sales are big events in these communities, with both draft and driving horses featured at auction.  Truth in advertising seems to be the order of the day – though I confess some of the descriptions had me thinking of Washington, D. C. For example, an eight-year old draft horse –“pulls hard from either the right or left side”, and a three-year old gelding – “leads real well, but needs more time on the buggy.”

The Amish are struggling with the 21stcentury.  Finding enough farmland, in keeping with their tradition of providing all sons with space to farm, is causing some of these communities to break apart. The correct type of schooling is also an issue.  And adapting religious norms raises both questions and eyebrows.

It is interesting that a high percentage of all of the roofing of barns and other farm buildings in the entire region is done by Amish men.  But how do they get to job sites?  If it is too far to drive their horses, they now deem it acceptable to ride in autos with others, so long as they do not drive.  A friend of ours is essentially the “Uber-driver” for the Amish roofers of Hopkington.  It is interesting, in Iowa and the entire world, what happens when economics and religion clash.

For someone whose day job has been teaching risk analysis and the world food economy, being in Iowa during the summer of 2018 was like living in a 24/7 laboratory.  I hope that this experience has given me both the inspiration and ammunition to keep ahead of a fresh batch of bright Stanford students, many of whom have never been on a farm.  I will soon know – classes begin this week.


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Experts gathered to discuss the linkages between climate change and health at a Stanford-led event at the Global Climate Action Summit.

When it comes to food security, health and poverty, the impacts of climate change already are evident. That’s the message FSE Fellows David Lobell and Marshall Burke delivered last week at Global Climate Action Summit events held by Stanford in San Francisco. Attendees from across the globe gathered at the summit aimed to mobilize commitments and action from local governments, corporations and NGO’s to mitigate climate change and reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

Lobell and Burke – a professor and assistant professor (respectively) in Earth system science in Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences participated in the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment sponsored panel on Sept. 14  “The 2009 EPA ENDANGERMENT FINDING: EVEN STRONGER EVIDENCE in 2018.” Moderated by Stanford Woods Institute Director Chris Field, the panel examined how new research bolsters the original report’s findings that greenhouse gases pose a threat to human health and welfare.

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Companies' sustainable sourcing practices play an increasing role in addressing the social and environmental challenges in agricultural supply chains. Yet the approaches companies take to regulate their supply chains continue to evolve. I use the chocolate industry as a critical case to explore how and why companies have changed their approaches to sustainable cocoa sourcing over the last 20 years. Drawing on an analysis of 205 company documents, 95 newspaper articles and over 50 in‐depth interviews, I trace the evolution of chocolate manufacturers' sustainable sourcing practices from a focus on industry initiatives to a commitment to sustainability certification and now to companies increasingly moving toward own‐supply chain programs. These shifts can in part be explained by the evolving salience of different stakeholder groups over time. This study highlights the dynamic nature of sustainable sourcing practice adoption and suggests companies are building upon previous strategies to incorporate more stakeholder voices over time.

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