FSE Publications
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Journal Articles
The Source of the Midwinter Suppression in Storminess over the North Pacific
Journal of Climate,
Journal Articles
Robust Negative Impacts of Climate Change on African Agriculture
Environmental Research Letters,
Journal Articles
Solar-powered Drip Irrigation Enhances Food Security in the Sudano-Sahel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Journal Articles
Historical Warnings of Future Food Insecurity with Unprecedented Seasonal Heat
Working Papers
The impacts and opportunities of oil palm in Southeast Asia: What do we know and what do we need to know?
Center for International Forestry Research,
Journal Articles
Shifts in African crop climates by 2050, and the implications for crop improvement and genetic resources conservation
Global Environmental Change,
Coping with Climate Risks in Indonesia Rice Agriculture: A Policy Perspective
Springer in "Uncertainty and Environmental Decision Making",
Journal Articles
Greater Transportation Energy and GHG Offsets from Bioelectricity Than Ethanol
Journal Articles
Regional-scale Assessment of Soil Salinity in the Red River Valley Using Multi-year MODIS EVI and NDVI
Journal of Environmental Quality,
Working Papers
Agricultural Lives of the Poor
Program on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University,
Journal Articles
Warming Increases Risk of Civil War in Africa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Journal Articles
Potential Impact of U.S. Biofuels on Regional Climate
Geophysical Research Letters,
Journal Articles
Feeding Aquaculture in an Era of Finite Resources
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
Journal Articles
El Nino-Southern Oscillation impacts on rice production in Luzon, the Philippines
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,
Journal Articles
Downscaling Indonesia Precipitation using Large-Scale Meteorological Fields
International Journal of Climatology,
Journal Articles
Crop Yield Gaps: Their Importance, Magnitudes, and Causes
Annual Review of Environment and Resources,
Policy Briefs
Final report: Agricultural Decision-Making in Indonesia with ENSO Variability: Integrating Climate Science, Risk Assessment, and Policy Analysis
Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University,
Journal Articles
Climatic Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change over the Greater Phoenix, Arizona Region: 2. Dynamical and Thermodynamical Response
Journal of Geophysical Research,
Journal Articles
Climate Effects of 30 Years of Landscape Change over the Greater Phoenix, Arizona Region: 1. Surface Energy Budget Changes
Journal of Geophysical Research,