FSE Publications
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Managing Food Production Systems for Resilience
Springer, in "Principles of Natural Resource Stewardship: Resilience-Based Management in a Changing World", Chapin, Kofinas, Folke (eds),
Journal Articles
Do input subsidy programs “crowd in” or “crowd out” commercial market development? Modeling fertilizer demand in a two-channel marketing system
Agricultural Economics,
Journal Articles
The Global Potential of Bioenergy on Abandoned Agricultural Lands
Environmental Science and Technology,
Journal Articles
Development of Groundwater Markets in China: A Glimpse into Progress to Date
World Development,
Journal Articles
Carbon Payback Times for Crop-based Biofuel Expansion in the Tropics: The Effects of Changing Yield and Technology
Environmental Research Letters,
Journal Articles
Estimation of the carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization effect using growth rate anomalies of CO2 and crop yields since 1961
Global Change Biology,
Journal Articles
Irrigation cooling effect on temperature and heat index extremes
Geophysical Research Letters,
Journal Articles
Genetically modified rice, yields, and pesticides: Assessing farm-level productivity effects in China
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Journal Articles
Towards Probabilistic Projections of Climate Change Impacts on Global Crop Yields
Geophysical Research Letters,
Journal Articles
Satellite Monitoring of Yield Responses to Irrigation Practices Across Thousands of Fields
Agronomy Journal,
Journal Articles
Why are agricultural impacts of climate change so uncertain? The importance of temperature relative to precipitation
Environmental Research Letters,
Journal Articles
The role of irrigation expansion in past and future temperature trends
Earth Interactions,
Journal Articles
A Global Model Tracking Water, Nitrogen, and Land Inputs and Virtual Transfers from Industrialized Meat Production and Trade
Environmental Modeling and Assessment,
Journal Articles
Disease Emergence from Global Climate and Land Use Change
Medical Clinics of North America,
Journal Articles
Our Daily Bread: Without public investment, the food crisis will only get worse
Boston Review,
Journal Articles
Quantifying the environmental impacts of trade in meat products
Environmental Modeling and Assessment,
Journal Articles
Reference Scenarios for Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Support of REDD: a Review of Data and Methods
Environmental Research Letters,
Journal Articles
Increasing Wildfire in Alaska's Boreal Forest: Pathways to Potential Solutions of a Wicked Problem